Song 1.11 (Yasna 28.11)
Transliterated Text:
ýê âish ashem nipånghê manascâ vohû ýavaêtâitê tvêm mazdâ ahurâ frô mâ sîshâ thwahmât vaocanghê manyêush hacâ thaw êeånghâ ýâish â anghush pouruyô bavat!
Translated Text:
I have always observed the principles of righteousness and good mind. Wise God, teach me to speak the thoughts of Your mind, and the words of Your mouth: the teachings by which the pristine life shall be [re]established.
Summary Substance:
Thinking clearly and working accordingly, Zarathushtra wants to be like the Lord to know more about the divine message that would help him to restore human behavior to its pristine purity and nature, so life can progress in the right direction.
Pondering Point:
“Turn to Nature, hear God, and enjoy a good, progressive life.”