Song 10.7 (Yasna 45.7)
Transliterated Text:
ýehyâ savâ ishåñtî râdanghô ýôi-zî jvâ ångharecâ bvañticâ ameretâitî ashâunô urvâ aêshô utayûtâ ýâ nerãsh sâdrâ dregvatô tâcâ xshathrâ mazdå dãmish ahurô.
Translated Text:
The living, the departed, and the yet-to-be-born seek their great successes from Him. The souls of the righteous shall eternally be strong. The wrongful shall experience repeated failures. The Wise God has, through His sovereignty, established these principles.
Summary Substance:
Having made his most important proclamation, Zarathushtra states that all—living, departed, or yet to be born—will succeed in their life only if they follow the Divine Principles of Consequences. Righteous people will enjoy eternal strength, and the wrongful will face failures until they amend their behavior.
Pondering Point:
“All those who have ever lived, knowing or unknowing, have sought the growth which comes from the all wise Creator of existence.”