Song 11.11 (Yasna 46.11)
Transliterated Text:
xshathrâish ýûjên karapanô kâvayascâ akâish shyaothanâish ahûm mereñgeidyâi mashîm ýêñg xvê urvâ hvaêcâ xraodat daênâ hyat aibî-gemen ýathrâ cinvatô peretush ýavôi vîspâi drûjô demânâi astayô.
Translated Text:
Priests and princes yoke people under duress to destroy life with their evil actions. But their souls and their consciences shall upbraid them when they approach the sorting bridge, because they have been all the time dwelling in the house of wrong.
Summary Substance:
Priests and princes, in their greed for wealth and power, expoit and oppress people, an evil act that destroys life. When these exploiters come to the “sorting bridge” of the righteous and the wrongful, they will be rebuked by their own conscience. It shall recount their evil deeds, deeds they have been committing all through their life, a life lived in wrong and with wrong.
Pondering Point:
"The deceitful can pretend to be righteous to others but can never lie to their own conscience."