Song 2.2 (Yasna 29.2)
Transliterated Text:
adâ tashâ gêush peresat ashem katha tôi gavôi ratush hyat hîm dâtâ xshayañtô hadâ vâstrâ gaodâyô thwaxshô kêm hôi ushtâ ahurem ýê dregvôdebîsh aêshemem vâdâyôit.
Translated Text:
Then the Creator of the Living World asked Righteousness: Who is Your leader of the World, who can offer her civilization, nourishment, and strength? Whom do you wish to be her lord; one who shall repel the fury of the wrongful?
Summary Substance:
The Universal Law of Righteousness (Asha) regulates creation. God asks it to attend to the complaint and appoint a leader who could rehabilitate the Living World and find a lord who could repel the oppression that has befallen her.
Pondering Point:
“A person in distress needs a supporter who will empower and enable them.”