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ZA Song

Song 4.10 (Yasna 31.10)

Transliterated Text:

at hî ayå fravaretâ vâstrîm axvyâi fshuyañtem ahurem ashavanem vanghêush fshêñghîm mananghô nôit mazdâ avâstryô davãscinâ humeretôish baxshtâ.

Translated Text:

Of the two, it has chosen the prospering settler and the promoter of good mind as its righteous lord. Wise One, the deceitful nomad has not shared in this good tradition.

Summary Substance:

The living world prefers people who are settled and are prospering. They are wise and therefore can lead. Wandering hordes do not grasp the advantage of a settled life and resort to cheating.

Pondering Point:

“A prosperous settled lifestyle is more conducive to righteous behavior and is worthy of leadership, whereas an unsettled life breeds deceit.”


Zarathushtrian Assembly was founded by a group of visionary Zoroastrians in 1990 to create a progressive platform for people of all backgrounds, regardless of current religious belief, world view, national origin, ethnicity, or personal interpretation of Zoroastrianism, to study the philosophy and teachings of Zoroaster (Zarathushtra), as taught in the Gathas (his thought-provoking mantras).

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