Song 4.4 (Yasna 31.4)
Transliterated Text:
ýadâ ashem zevîm anghen mazdåscâ ahurånghô ashicâ ârmaitî vahishtâ ishasâ mananghâ maibyô xshathrem aojôñghvat ýehyâ veredâ vanaêmâ drujem.
Translated Text:
When righteousness is to be invoked, may the wise lords be with reward and serenity. I seek through my best mind the powerful dominion for my people, so that by promoting it, we can overcome wrong.
Summary Substance:
When one wishes to be righteous, the wise will be at hand to guide him or her to what one wants. It is the reward sought and also the serene satisfaction after obtaining it. And Zarathushtra, always led by his illuminated mind, wants a dominion powerful enough to have its very expansion eliminate wrong.
Pondering Point:
“When one desires the Universal Law, aligning with the wise and seeking enlightenment will pave the way to gain serenity and the strength to eliminate wrongful deeds.”