Song 5.12 (Yasna 32.12)
Transliterated Text:
ýâ rånghayen sravanghâ vahishtât shyaothanât maretânô aêibyô mazdå akâ mraot ýôi gêush môreñden urvâxsh-uxtî jyôtûm ýâish gerêhmâ ashât varatâ karapâ xshathremcâ îshanãm drujem.
Translated Text:
It is through such teachings that they try to distract mortals from excellent deeds. For them, the Wise One has decreed ill consequences, because they devastate worldly life in luxury. It is for this reason that grabbing priests have chosen the wrong dominion of the wealthy instead of righteousness.
Summary Substance:
It is through exploitation of the poor by the rich that good life on earth is disturbed and destroyed. The priests also side the rich instead of the righteous persons because it pays them well in return. The consequences for these wrong teachings and doings are bad. That is the divine justice.
Pondering Point:
“False teachings lead to greed and motivate evil people to commit unethical acts to amass more riches at the expense of others.”