Song 6.1 (Yasna 33.1)
Transliterated Text:
ýathâish ithâ vareshaitê ýâ dâtâ anghêush paouruyehyâ ratûsh shyaothanâ razishtâ dregvataêcâ hyatcâ ashâunê ýexyâcâ hêmemyâsaitê mithahyâ ýâcâ hôi ârezvâ.
Translated Text:
According to the Primal Principles of Life the leader shall do full justice to the wrongful and to the righteous, as well as to the person whose falsity is combined with his probity.
Summary Substance:
The leader, chosen by people, should be impartial. He should base his justice on the Primal Principles of Life and then deal with the wrongful, the righteous, and the person who is both. It is this impartiality that brings true justice and wins all over to righteousness.
Pondering Point:
“We must choose impartial leaders who will judge all according to their behavior.”