Song 6.11 (Yasna 33.11)
Transliterated Text:
ýê sevishtô ahurô mazdåscâ âramaitishcâ ashemcâ frâdat-gaêthem manascâ vohû xshathremcâ sraotâ-môi merezhdâtâ-môi âdâi kahyâicît paitî.
Translated Text:
Most powerful Wise God, Serenity, world-promoting Righteousness, Good Mind, and Dominion, listen to me, be gracious to me for whatever rewards You grant.
Summary Substance:
The Wise God, the most-powerful, awards (wholeness and immortality) through the Principles of Life—serenity, world-promoting righteousness, good mind and dominion. Still praying with poetical fervor, Zarathushtra addresses all and prays for grace and blessing.
Pondering Point:
“The attributes of Lord Wisdom are priceless blessings unto themselves.”