Song 6.9 (Yasna 33.9)
Transliterated Text:
at tôi mazdâ têm mainyûm asha-oxshayañtå saredyayå xvâthrâ maêthâ mayâ vahishtâ baretû mananghâ ayå arôi hâkurenem ýayå haciñtê urvãnô.
Translated Text:
Wise One, it is Your intention that these two promoters of righteousness be the refreshing splendid goals achieved through the best mind. The growth of these two associates make souls harmonize.
Summary Substance:
Wholeness and immortality, as twin goals, promote righteousness. They are the wonderful objects which can be achieved by using our best of thoughts. It is these twin goals which unite our souls to achieve them, and this is what God wishes us to attain.
Pondering Point:
“Beneficial common goals unite our souls.”