Song 7.8 (Yasna 34.8)
Transliterated Text:
tâish zî nå shyaothanâish byeñtê ýaêshû as pairî pourubyô ithyejô hyat as aojyå nâidyånghem thwahyâ mazdâ ãstâ urvâtahyâ ýôi nôit ashem mainyañtâ aêibyô dûirê vohû as manô.
Translated Text:
Indeed, they are afraid of our actions just as a weakling is afraid of a stalwart, because these actions constitute a danger to many. Wise One, those who are antagonistic to Your principle, do not think of righteousness, and are at a distance from good mind.
Summary Substance:
The days when ritualistic priests and exploiting princes were in power appear to be disappearing. They are now as afraid of the Zarathushtrian mission as a weakling fears a strong person. The reason is simple. They do not think of righteousness and and do not use their good mind, and therefore remain antagonists to the Divine Doctrine.
Pondering Point:
“The deceitful fear the actions of the truthful and righteous and will spread lies and destruction to stop them.”