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ZA Song

Song 8.11 (Yasna 43.11)

Transliterated Text:

speñtem at thwâ mazdâ mêñghî ahurâ hyat mâ vohû pairî-jasat mananghâ hyat xshmâ uxdhâish dîdainghê paourvîm sâdrâ-môi sãs mashyaêshû zarazdâitish tat verezyeidyâi hyat môi mraotâ vahishtem.

Translated Text:

I realized You, God Wise, to be progressive when I was encircled through good mind, and when I first learned from Your words that it would be difficult for me to teach people the devotion to practice what You told me is the best.

Summary Substance:

Zarathushtra realizes Mazda to be progressive when enlightenment encircles him through his own good mind. He comprehends the divine message and also realizes that it would be difficult to teach people who are so used to their old-age cultic beliefs to accept and practice what Zarathushtra has learned to be the best religion.

Pondering Point:

“Blind faith bars one from seeing the light of truth. So, enlighten the world.”


Zarathushtrian Assembly was founded by a group of visionary Zoroastrians in 1990 to create a progressive platform for people of all backgrounds, regardless of current religious belief, world view, national origin, ethnicity, or personal interpretation of Zoroastrianism, to study the philosophy and teachings of Zoroaster (Zarathushtra), as taught in the Gathas (his thought-provoking mantras).

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