Song 8.15 (Yasna 43.15)
Transliterated Text:
speñtem at thwâ mazdâ mêñghî ahurâ hyat mâ vohû pairî-jasat mananghâ daxshat ushyâi tushnâ maitish vahishtâ nôit nâ pourûsh dregvatô h'yât cixshnushô at tôi vîspêñg añgrêñg ashâunô âdarê
Translated Text:
I realized You, God Wise, to be progressive when I was encircled by it through good mind, and it showed that silent meditation is the best. One should never try to please wrongful people because they hold the righteous as [their enemies].
Summary Substance:
Zarathushtra realizes Mazda to be progressive when enlightenment encircles him through his own good mind; it showed him that the best way to meditate and concentrate thoughts was to do in silence. It also demonstrated another point. One must not appease and please wrongdoers as it does not change them. They continue to consider the righteous as totally bad people.
Pondering Point:
“Do not give in to the will of the deceitful by appeasing them, as it will not change their nature.”