Song 8.3 (Yasna 43.3)
Transliterated Text:
at hvô vanghêush vahyô nâ aibî- jamyât ýê nå erezûsh savanghô pathô sîshôit ahyâ anghêush astvatô mananghascâ haithyêñg âstîsh ýêñg â-shaêtî ahurô aredrô thwâvãs huzêñtushe speñtô mazdâ.
Translated Text:
And may that person get much good who teaches us the straight paths of progress. May he, in his physical and mental life, truly attain the existence where God dwells, for, Wise One, he is like You; sincere, noble, and progressive.
Summary Substance:
Continuing his guiding benediction, Zarathushtra goes further: The person who teaches straight paths of progress gets more than good in reward. They mentally and physically experience the very presence of Ahura. In fact, they becomes like Mazda—sincere, noble, and above all, progressive.
Pondering Point:
“Teaching others to grow and progress will place us in the presence of Lord Wisdom.”