Song 8.6 (Yasna 43.6)
Transliterated Text:
ýahmî speñtâ thwâ mainyû urvaêsê jasô mazdâ xshathrâ ahmî vohû mananghâ ýehyâ shyaothanâish gaêthå ashâ frâdeñtê aêibyô ratûsh sêñghaitî ârmaitish thwahyâ xratêush ýêm naêcish dâbayeitî.
Translated Text:
At that turn, in which I exist, You, Wise One, come with Your progressive mentality, dominion, and good mind, through the actions of which the living worlds are promoted by righteousness. Serenity explains to them the proper laws of Your intelligence which none can deceive.
Summary Substance:
The final turn towards the goal begins with Zarathushtra explaining the Principles of the divine, progressive mentality: the good dominion chosen and established by the people; the good mind which help to promote the living worlds through righteousness; and the world enjoying serenity and stability, getting the opportunity to understand the Divine Intelligence which watches every move, with nothing ever escaping its attention.
Pondering Point:
“Life will be promoted when righteousness, good mind, creative mentality, and stability work in unison to establish the desired dominion.”