Song 9.9 (Yasna 44.9)
Transliterated Text:
tat thwâ peresâ eresh môi vaocâ ahurâ kathâ môi ýãm ýaosh daênãm ýaosh dânê ýãm hudânâush paitishe saxyât xshathrahyâ ereshvâ xshathrâ thwâvãs asîshtîsh mazdâ hademôi ashâ vohucâ shyãs mananghâ.
Translated Text:
This I ask You, tell me truly, Lord. How shall I enliven for myself the religion the Master of Beneficent Sovereignty teaches me? How to be prompt, like You, Wise One, with lofty rules and live in the same abode with righteousness and good mind?
Summary Substance:
Zarathushtra contemplates to know how to promote the religion being taught to him by the good and sovereign God; how to be as quick in adhering to subtle principles as Mazda, the Super-Intellect is; and how to live in an environment that enjoys good thinking and precise exercise? The answer: Be promptly godlike by living with lofty rules of clear thinking and the universal law.
Pondering Point:
“Acting from wisdom, gained through the benefit of Good Mind, makes one like Ahura Mazda.”