Song 1.7 (Yasna 28.7)
Transliterated Text:
dâidî ashâ tãm ashîm vanghêush âyaptâ mananghô dâidî tû ârmaitê vîshtâspâi îshem maibyâcâ dåstû mazdâ xshayâcâ ýâ vê mãthrâ srevîm ârâdå.
Translated Text:
Grant, O Righteousness, those rewards which are the gifts of Good Mind. And you, Serenity, grant Vishtaspa his wish and mine too. O Wise One, grant the power through which we shall successfully proclaim Your thought-provoking message.
Summary Substance:
Gifts of good mind can only be obtained through righteous deeds and tranquil peace. It would then be the power that enables one to spread the thought-provoking message to all who wish to listen. This is what Zarathushtra prays for.
Pondering Point:
“Desire the intellectual rewards which come from the mind and seek to spread those to others.”