Song 2.5 (Yasna 29.5)
Transliterated Text:
at vâ ustânâish ahvâ zastâish frînemnâ ahurâi aa mê urvâ gêushcâ azyå hyat mazdãm dvaidî ferasâbyô nôit erezhejyôi frajyâitish nôit fshuyeñtê dregvasû pairî.
Translated Text:
It is better for us two, the Soul of the fruitful World and me, to raise our hands for the divine grace and ask the Wise One: Will there be no livelihood for the honest? Will there be no reformer among the wrongful?
Summary Substance:
The Universal Law of Righteousness wants the Soul of the Living World, which is ready for a fruitful future, to pray to God for a good living for all the rightful... and for the rehabilitation of the wrongful.
Pondering Point:
“The Future of the world will be bright if wrongs are rectified. Let us act accordingly.”