Song 2.9 (Yasna 29.9)
Transliterated Text:
atcâ gêush urvâ raostâ ýê anaêshem xshãnmênê râdem vâcem neresh asûrahyâ ýêm â vasemî îshâ xshathrîm kadâ ýavâ hvô anghat ýê hôi dadat zastavat avô.
Translated Text:
The Soul of the World cried again: Am I to accept a powerless man with a feeble voice as my caretaker? I want a powerful ruler. Will such a time come when will he give me his helping hand?
Summary Substance:
The World, so used to “Might is Right”, cannot understand how a man of mind, weak in physical force, can take care of her. She wants a powerful overlord.
Pondering Point:
“Those who view physical power as the only strength may not easily appreciate the power of the mind.”