Song 3.4 (Yasna 30.4)
Transliterated Text:
atcâ hyat tâ hêm mainyû jasaêtem paourvîm dazdê gaêmcâ ajyâitîmcâ ýathâcâ anghat apêmem anghush acishtô dregvatãm at ashâunê vahishtem manô.
Translated Text:
Now, when the two mentalities first got together, they created "life" and "not-living." Until the end of existence, the worst mind shall be for the wrongful, and the best mind shall be for the righteous.
Summary Substance:
When the two mentalities begin to function, the good creates a fulfilling life but the other degrades it into a wretched living. It makes one live without enjoying life. An evil mind turns one to think, talk and do wrong, and grow worse. A brilliant mind builds one into a righteous person. This is the Universal Law. Only a return to the better mentality can save one.
Pondering Point:
“Life is for constructive and joyful living and not for wanton wasting. Wrong choices lead to ever-compounding misery for oneself and for others, whereas the right choices will be continuously rewarding.”