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ZA Song

Song 4.18 (Yasna 31.18)

Transliterated Text:

mâ-cish at vê dregvatô mãthrãscâ gûshtâ sâsnåscâ, â zî demânem vîsem vâ shôithrem vâ dah'yûm vâ âdât dushitâcâ marakaêcâ athâ îsh sâzdûm snaithishâ.

Translated Text:

Therefore, let none of you listen to the messages and teachings of the wrongful, because he brings danger and destruction to the house, settlement, district, and land. Correct him with weapons.

Summary Substance:

The wrongful deceives and therefore one should not listen to his misguiding words. It is his teachings which bring destruction to various units of society—from house to country. Such a person must be corrected even if one has to use force.

Pondering Point:

“Be wary of the deceitful who cause great violence. If necessary, act firmly to prevent them from harming you or others.”


Zarathushtrian Assembly was founded by a group of visionary Zoroastrians in 1990 to create a progressive platform for people of all backgrounds, regardless of current religious belief, world view, national origin, ethnicity, or personal interpretation of Zoroastrianism, to study the philosophy and teachings of Zoroaster (Zarathushtra), as taught in the Gathas (his thought-provoking mantras).

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