Song 5.10 (Yasna 32.10)
Transliterated Text:
hvô mâ-nâ sravå môreñdat ýê acishtem vaênanghê aogedâ gãm ashibyâ hvarecâ ýascâ dâthêñg dregvatô dadât ýascâ vâstrâ vîvâpat ýascâ vadarê vôizhdat ashâunê.
Translated Text:
Indeed, he devastates the doctrine who considers it the worst to look at the world and the sun with plain eyes, who sets the just against the wrongful, who destroys settlements, and who hurls a deadly weapon at the righteous.
Summary Substance:
Four types of people destroy the Doctrine of Zarathushtra. (1) The superstitious who do not see the world and the sun as plain creations but imagine them to be deities with mythical tales; (2) who connive to have a just person confront a wrongful person; (3) the aggressors who destroy human habitation; and (4) who hurt the righteous.
Pondering Point:
“False teachers give power to unethical people and encourage destruction and violence.”