Song 5.13 (Yasna 32.13)
Transliterated Text:
ýâ xshathrâ gerêhmô hîshasat acishtahyâ demânê mananghô anghêush maraxtârô ahyâ ýaêcâ mazdâ jîgerezat kâmê thwahyâ mãthrânô dûtîm ýê îsh pât daresât ashahyâ.
Translated Text:
It is because of such power that the grabbers of this life wish to gain their spoils in the house of worst mind. And they, Wise Lord, who, in their lust, growl about the message of Your thought-provoker, lust, in turn, prevents them from seeing righteousness.
Summary Substance:
Spoils grabbed by the priests has given them power. It provides them with a gainful living. It is a life of lust lived with the worst mind, and their lust does not allow them to see righteousness, the Truth. It makes them create an uproar against the thought-provoking message of Zarathushtra.
Pondering Point:
“The deceitful who steal, swindle, and manipulate are trapped in an awful state of consciousness which prevents them from seeing Truth or righteousness.”