Song 5.14 (Yasna 32.14)
Transliterated Text:
ahyâ gerêhmô â-hôithôi nî kâvayascît xratûsh nî dadat varecå hîcâ fraidivâ hyat vîsêñtâ dregvañtem avô hyatcâ gâush jaidyâi mraoî ýê dûraoshem saocayat avô.
Translated Text:
Seizing such spoils, even the sagacious princes have long been devoting their minds and efforts. They have, thus, resorted to help the wrongful. Fired by the wisdom-wasting drink, they have declared that the world must be destroyed.
Summary Substance:
The Kavi princes, although men of knowledge, were cooperating with the practicing priests in exploiting people. The two had a common interest-exploitation. Thus the rulers were helping the wrongful. Addicted to “haoma”, the instant intoxicating drink prepared ceremoniously to give “pep”, their aggressive mood was destroying the world.
Pondering Point:
“Greed will blind many people by setting their minds on committing evil to amass wealth.”