Song 5.7 (Yasna 32.7)
Transliterated Text:
aêshãm aênanghãm naêcît vîdvå aojôi hâdrôyâ ýâ jôyâ sêñghaitê ýâish srâvî xvaênâ ayanghâ ýaêshãm tû ahurâ irixtem mazdâ vaêdishtô ahî.
Translated Text:
Regarding these offenses, no wise person has ever attained power which could be called life, a life, said to be achieved by the force of flowing metal. Of such, You, Wise Lord, know best the consequences.
Summary Substance:
Power attained through brute force cannot be called life. It is living. A wise person will never do it. God knows best the end of that living.
Pondering Point:
“Through life’s trials we learn the proper way to live.”