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ZA Song

Song 6.10 (Yasna 33.10)

Transliterated Text:

vîspå stôi hujîtayô ýå zî ångharê ýåscâ heñtî ýåscâ mazdâ bavaiñtî thwahmî hîsh zaoshê âbaxshôhvâ vohû uxshyâ mananghâ xshathrâ ashâcâ ushtâ tanûm.

Translated Text:

Wise One, make all those enjoying a good life, who have been, who are, and who shall be, share Your pleasure. Promote our physical enlightenment through good mind, dominion, and righteousness.

Summary Substance:

Persons of past, present, and future who enjoy a good productive life are, in fact, sharing divine pleasure, because their physical illumination is promoted through good mind, self-reliance, and righteousness. Zarathushtra prays to Mazda for this very favor for all of us.

Pondering Point:

“Ahura Mazda will accept all those who have ever lived a good life, regardless of what they believed in.”


Zarathushtrian Assembly was founded by a group of visionary Zoroastrians in 1990 to create a progressive platform for people of all backgrounds, regardless of current religious belief, world view, national origin, ethnicity, or personal interpretation of Zoroastrianism, to study the philosophy and teachings of Zoroaster (Zarathushtra), as taught in the Gathas (his thought-provoking mantras).

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