Song 6.10 (Yasna 33.10)
Transliterated Text:
vîspå stôi hujîtayô ýå zî ångharê ýåscâ heñtî ýåscâ mazdâ bavaiñtî thwahmî hîsh zaoshê âbaxshôhvâ vohû uxshyâ mananghâ xshathrâ ashâcâ ushtâ tanûm.
Translated Text:
Wise One, make all those enjoying a good life, who have been, who are, and who shall be, share Your pleasure. Promote our physical enlightenment through good mind, dominion, and righteousness.
Summary Substance:
Persons of past, present, and future who enjoy a good productive life are, in fact, sharing divine pleasure, because their physical illumination is promoted through good mind, self-reliance, and righteousness. Zarathushtra prays to Mazda for this very favor for all of us.
Pondering Point:
“Ahura Mazda will accept all those who have ever lived a good life, regardless of what they believed in.”