Song 6.8 (Yasna 33.8)
Transliterated Text:
frô-môi fravôizdûm arethâ tâ ýâ vohû shyavâi mananghâ ýasnem mazdâ xshmâvatô at vâ ashâ staomyâ vacå dâtâ vê ameretåscâ utayûitî haurvatâs draonô.
Translated Text:
See for Yourself my intentions which I am pursuing through good mind. They are, Wise One, reverence and praising words for You through righteousness. Grant me the steadfastness of immortality and the substantiality of wholeness.
Summary Substance:
Having defined his mission, Zarathushtra continues his invocation. He has his intentions which he pursues through good mind. All he intends is to properly venerate and praise the Wise. He prays for stable immortality and true perfection.
Pondering Point:
“Your intentions should be clear through your actions if done through the Good Mind.”