Song 7.4 (Yasna 34.4)
Transliterated Text:
at tôi âtrêm ahurâ aojônghvañtem ashâ usêmahî asîshtîm êmavañtem stôi rapañtê cithrâ-avanghem at mazdâ daibishyañtê zastâishtâish dereshtâ-aênanghem.
Translated Text:
Therefore, Lord, we yearn for Your fire, which is strong through righteousness. It is very swift and forceful, and clearly and strongly helps the supporters. But, Wise One, for an enemy daring to harm, it has the power of arms to stop him.
Summary Substance:
The divine “fire” is the zeal that derives its strength from righteousness—precision. It is forceful and swift in clearing and opening the way for the promotion of the mission. It is also strong enough in stopping those who want to harm the cause.
Pondering Point:
“Fire is a symbol of the energy pervading all of existence, it provides our growth and defense, progressing reality to it’s ideal state.”