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ZA Song

Song 9.5 (Yasna 44.5)

Transliterated Text:

tat thwâ peresâ eresh môi vaocâ ahurâ kê hvâpå raocåscâ dât temåscâ kê hvâpå xvafnemcâ dât zaêmâcâ kê ýâ ushå arêm-pithwâ xshapâcâ ýå manaothrîsh cazdôñghvañtem arethahyâ.

Translated Text:

This I ask You, tell me truly, Lord. Which artist fashioned the light and the darkness? Which artist planned sleep and awakening? Who made the dawn, day, and dusk that remind the wise of the ultimate goal?

Summary Substance:

Turning to the more artistic, Zarathushtra wants to know the “artist” who created both light and darkness, sleep and awakening, dawn, day and dusk—the entire day and night with its contrasting beauties—only to remind the wise among us of their duty to promote life and enjoy living.

Pondering Point:

“Experiencing the simple and the complex beauties of life enables you to serve humanity more effectively and with more enjoyment.”


Zarathushtrian Assembly was founded by a group of visionary Zoroastrians in 1990 to create a progressive platform for people of all backgrounds, regardless of current religious belief, world view, national origin, ethnicity, or personal interpretation of Zoroastrianism, to study the philosophy and teachings of Zoroaster (Zarathushtra), as taught in the Gathas (his thought-provoking mantras).

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