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Song 1.0 (Yasna 28.0)

Opening Salutation by an Unknown Ancient Poet

,mvnqOayK ,mInA% ,OcaW ,mInA% ,Onam ,mInA%

`,ehar!uqaraz ,OnOaCa

`,niAwruVg ,lqAg ,AtNvps ,ACvma ,Arvf

.,SInOaCa ,lqAg ,VW ,Omvn

Transliterated Text:

ýânîm manô ýânîm vacô ýânîm shyaothnem
ashaonô zarathushtrahe.
ferâ ameshâ speñtâ gâthå gêurvâin.
nemô vê gâthå ashaonîsh!

Translated Text:

Ideal are the thoughts, ideal the words, ideal the deeds
of the Righteous Zarathushtra.
Let the ever-living promulgators present the Gathas.
Homage to the righteous Gathas!


This introductory salutation was, most probably, composed by an early reciter of the Gathas who was, himself/herself, a devout promulgator of the Sublime Songs and a great preacher of the Divine Doctrine. It has been faithfully preserved by those who followed this teacher and, in turn, gave it an esteemed position at the outset of the Gathas.

Pondering Point:

“There is only one path in life, and that is the path of Righteousness.”

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