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Song 1.10 (Yasna 35.10)

,SiAtOats ,TArqaSx ,AcSuVhMaW ,OhManam ,AcSuVhMaW ,Acah ,AcTaACa

,TABq ,Ansa% ,OybiODxu ,TABq ,ADxu ,Ibia ,OybiOtOats ,Aruha ,TABq


Transliterated Text:

ashâatchâ hachâ
vanghêushchâ mananghô
vanghêushchâ xshathrât
staotâish thwât ahurâ staotôibyô
aibî uxdhâ thwât uxdhôibyô
ýasnâ thwât ýasnôibyô.

Translated Text:

This we do
in accordance with Righteousness,
and Good Mind,
and Good Dominion;
with praises that are Yours, (Lord),
with words that are Yours,
with venerations that are Yours.


The congregation concludes the prayer by praising and venerating Ahura Mazda and by vowing to act according to righteousness, with the good mind and within a good dominion.

Pondering Point:

“The true praise of Ahura Mazda is righteous actions done with the Good Mind in order to establish the Good Dominion.”

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