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Song 10.3 (Yasna 45.3)

`,mIwruop ,Ayha ,SuVhMa `,AySxawarf ,Ta

`,Oruha ,TacOaW ,ldzam `,lwdIW ,iOm ,mL%

`,ItNvSvraW ,mvrqLm ,Aqi `,TiOn ,VW ,mI ,iO%

`,AcacOaW ,AciAnVm `,mI ,Aqa%

.,mvmVpa ,TahMa ,iOwa `,SuVhMa ,OybiEa

Transliterated Text:

at fravaxshyâ anghêush ahyâ pourvîm
ýãm môi vîdvå mazdå vaocat ahurô
ýôi îm vê nôit ithâ mãthrem varesheñtî
ýathâ îm mênâicâ vaocacâ
aêibyô anghêush avôi anghat apêmem.

Translated Text:

Now, I shall proclaim the foremost point of this life,
which the Wise Lord, the Knowing told me:
Those of you who do not practice the thought-provoking doctrine
the way I understand and explain it,
shall experience a woeful end of life.


The third important point proclaimed by Zarathushtra is a warning. He has realized through his divine communion with the Wise One, a doctrine which stimulates mind to clearly think and decide to follow the Primal Principles of Life. If one does not use discretion and blindly follows what they are taught and told, they would experience a woeful life.

Pondering Point:

“Listen well, think clearly and act correctly to avoid undesirable consequences.”

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