Song 10.5 (Yasna 45.5)
`,mv!ihaW ,OybiEatvram ,Tayh `,iAydiUrs ,VcaW
`,Acsayac ,nLd ,mvSOarvs `,iAmha ,iOm ,iO%
`,AtAtvrvma ,AtAwruah `,nvmij,Apu
.,Oruha ,ldzam ,SiAnaqOayK ,`SuVynam ,SuVhMaW
Transliterated Text:
at fravaxshyâ hyat môi mraot speñtôtemô
vacê srûidyâi hyat maretaêibyô vahishtem
ýôi môi ahmâi seraoshem dãn cayascâ
upâ-jimen haurvâtâ ameretâtâ
vanghêush manyêush shyaothanâish mazdå ahurô.
Translated Text:
Now, I shall proclaim the word which the Most Progressive One told me.
It is the best to be heard by mortals.
Those who pay it attention and observance,
shall have wholeness and immortality,
and reach the Wise Lord through their actions of good mind.
Zarathushtra proclaims the Message he has realized through his communion with God, who is the most progressive. The Message is, therefore, very progressive. I is the best to be heeded by mankind, and, if given the attention and observance it deserves and followed wisely by good actions, it surely will lead to perfection and immortality.
Pondering Point:
“The progressive message of the Creator means progress towards perfection and immortality.”