Song 11.1 (Yasna 46.1)
`,Itiadad ,Acsanmayria `,SuVtEaX ,Iriap
`,AcVh ,AnVzvrvW ,A% `,SuAnSx ,Am ,TiOn
`,OtNawgvrd ,OrAtsAs ,iO% `,SuVyFad ,AdEan
.,Aruha ,iASOanSx ,Adzam `,ABq ,Aqak
Transliterated Text:
kâm nemôi zãm kuthrâ nemôi ayenî
pairî xvaêtêush airyamanascâ dadaitî
nôit mâ xshnâush ýâ verezênâ hêcâ
naêdâ daxyêush ýôi sâstârô dregvañtô
kathâ thwâ mazdâ xshnaoshâi ahurâ.
Translated Text:
To what land should I turn? Where should I turn to go?
They hold me back from my folks and friends.
Neither the community I follow pleases me,
nor do the wrongful rulers of the land.
How can I please You, Wise Lord?
The opposition to Zarathushtra’s mission mounts. He is isolated from folks and friends; the community is hostile and so are the rulers of the land. The person who had prayed and asked “for support through progressive mentality [so that] I may perform all my actions, based as they are on the wisdom of good mind, precisely according to the laws of righteousness so that I please You and the soul of the Living World” (Song 1.1), now does not know what to do next. A frustrated Zarathushtra seeks guidance from God as where and how to go.
Pondering Point:
“Those who fight for Truth and justice may find themselves cast away by society, reminding them of the necessity of their actions.”