Song 11.5 (Yasna 46.5)
`,AW ,OybiOrqim ,SutNVzuh `,AW ,SiOtAwru
`,mvtNawgvrd ,AwaCa ,V% `,sLwIj* ,AnSar
`,TAyurm ,EwatEaX ,Orf ,Tat `,sLh ,OricIW
.,Aruha ,TAynUrx ,Adzam `,mI ,iOyqiUzu
Transliterated Text:
ýê vâ xshayãs adãs drîtâ ayañtem
urvâtôish vâ huzêñtush mithrôibyô vâ
rashnâ jvãs ýê ashavâ dregvañtem
vîcirô hãs tat frô hvaêtavê mruyât
uzûithyôi îm mazdâ xrûnyât ahurâ.
Translated Text:
A powerful person, a noble man, as a rule of a contract,
welcomes a new comer.
He, as a righteous person, is a man of principle.
The other (new comer) is a wrongful man.
He should, therefore, decide and share the matter with his family.
This will, Wise Lord, save him from any violation.
Zarathushtra then relates an experience of a person of principle, who enjoying enough power, is approached by some one seeking aid. He is received as a guest, and hospitality is extended to him. However, it turns out that the guest is a wrongful person, and, as such, the possibility of violence and harm arises. It is then necessary to share this matter with every family members in order to arrive at a peaceful solution.
Pondering Point:
“You should always help a person in need, if able, unless you realize they are deceitful.”