Song 12.5 (Yasna 47.5)
`,A!ihaW ,AcIc ,IZ,A% `,SiOc ,EnuACa
`,ItiaSxab ,lwgvrd ,TAsOaz `,TAmhaBq ,ranah
.,OhManam ,sLyKA ,TAka `,SiAnqOayK ,Ayha
Transliterated Text:
tâcâ speñtâ mainyû mazdâ ahurâ
ashâunê côish ýâ-zhî cîcâ vahishtâ
hanare thwahmât zaoshât dregvå baxshaitî
ahyâ shyaothanâish akât âshyãs mananghô.
Translated Text:
Wise Lord, it is through this progressive mentality
that You have promised the righteous what indeed is best.
But the wrongful shares little from Your love,
because he lives by the actions of his evil mind.
The loving Wise God has endowed us with the progressive mentality. If utilized well and righteously, it leads to a life that is the best, but one who chooses to think evil, simply cannot share the divine love. They have a wrong way of living.
Pondering Point:
“The Progressive Mentality provides the best to the righteous, yet the deceitful care little for that which is truly best.”