Song 13.12 (Yasna 48.12)
`,mLnuyFad ,OtNaySOas `,nvhMa ,iOt ,Ta
`,EtNlcah ,AhManam `,UhoW ,mUnSx ,iO%
`,AyhahgNVs ,Adzam ,AyhaBq `,ACa ,SiAnqOayK
.,AyhamSEa* ,OrAtsEamah `,AtAd ,Iz ,iOt
`,EtNlcah ,AhManam `,UhoW ,mUnSx ,iO%
`,AyhahgNVs ,Adzam ,AyhaBq `,ACa ,SiAnqOayK
.,AyhamSEa* ,OrAtsEamah `,AtAd ,Iz ,iOt
Transliterated Text:
at tôi anghen saoshyañtô daxyunãm
ýôi xshnûm vohû mananghâ hacåñtê
shyaothanâish ashâ thwahyâ mazdâ sêñghahyâ
tôi zî dâtâ hamaêstârô aêshem mahyâ.
Translated Text:
Now, they shall be the benefactors of the lands
who follow the satisfaction of good mind,
and base their actions through righteousness on Your teachings, Wise One.
They indeed have been made to fight fury.
The wise who consult the good mind and base their actions on righteousness, in accordance with Divine teaching, benefit and promote their societies. It is they who stop violence and introduce peace.
Pondering Point:
“Wise actions based on Divine teachings bring peace and prosperity.”