Song 13.4 (Yasna 48.4)
`,AcAhMacaW ,AcAnaqOayK `,mLnEad ,Owh
`,Etiacah ,gNVnvraW ,Si!u `,gNVSOaz ,Ayha
.,TahMa ,Anan ,mvmVpa `,ltarx ,ImhaBq
Transliterated Text:
ýê dât manô vahyô mazdâ ashyascâ
hvô daênãm shyaothanâcâ vacanghâcâ
ahyâ zaoshêñg ushtish varenêñg hacaitê
thwahmî xratå apêmem nanâ anghat.
Translated Text:
Whoever, Wise One, has set his mind on the better or the worse,
sets his conscience accordingly with actions and words.
His desire follows his cherished choice.
But in Your wisdom, the end of the two will be different.
It is up to how one sets their own mind. Whether someone thinks good and improves it, or, on the other hand, thinks bad and worsens in thoughts, they mold their conscience with the words and deeds that ensue. They follows what they have chosen, and it becomes their desire. Whatever the case, the consequences of two opposite choices would also be different. This is what wisdom, endowed by Mazda, advises.
Pondering Point:
“Our thoughts whether constructive or destructive, will affect our subsequent words and deeds to be beneficial or harmful.”