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Song 13.5 (Yasna 48.5)

`,AtNVSx ,ArqaSx,Sud ,Vn,Am `,mLtNVSx ,ArqaSxuh

`,EtiamrA ,SiAnqOayK `,SiOtsic ,lyuhMaW

`,A!ihaW ,mvqLz ,Ipia `,iAyCam ,ldZOa%

.,OyuSf ,iAqvraX ,Vn ,mLt `,mLtAyzvrvW ,iOwag

Transliterated Text:

huxshathrâ xshêñtãm mâ nê dushe-xshathrâ xshêñtâ
vanghuyå cistôish shyaothanâish âramaitê
ýaozhdå mashyâi aipî zãthem vahishtâ
gavôi verezyâtãm tãm nê hvarethâi fshuyô.

Translated Text:

May good rulers, and not evil rulers, rule over us
with actions of good understanding and serenity.
Giving health and happiness in life is the best for a man
who works for the living world in order to increase its splendor.


Zarathushtra wishes a good government and prays that an evil government may not rule over us. Let us note that the root word for “to rule” literally means to ‘to settle in peace’. A good government should provide peace and stability based on wisdom. It should provide health and happiness, and it should promote the living world of ours. Such a government of good settlement on the good earth is the best in life; All should work toward it.

Pondering Point:

“Wise and stable government ensures health, happiness, and progress for all.”

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