Song 14.11 (Yasna 49.11)
`,OhMacawZud ,gNVnaqOayK,Sud `,gNVrqaSx,Sud ,Ta
`,Otawgvrd ,OhManam,Sud `,gNVnEadZud
`,ItNieytiap ,OnLwru ,Itiap `,SiAqvraX ,SiAka
.,Oyatsa ,nvhMa ,Ayqiah `,EnAmvd ,OjUrd
`,Otawgvrd ,OhManam,Sud `,gNVnEadZud
`,ItNieytiap ,OnLwru ,Itiap `,SiAqvraX ,SiAka
.,Oyatsa ,nvhMa ,Ayqiah `,EnAmvd ,OjUrd
Transliterated Text:
at dushexshathrêñg dush-shyaothanêñg duzhvacanghô
duzhdaênêñg dush-mananghô dregvatô
akâish hvarethâish paitî urvãnô paityeiñtî
drûjô demânê haithyâ anghen astayô.
Translated Text:
Now, the souls of the evil-ruling, evil-doing, evil speaking,
evil-conceiving, and evil-thinking return back
because of their evil luster
because they really dwell in the house of wrong.
The souls of those who think, speak, conceive, act and rule by evil means, have evil luster and fame. They do not progress to perfection, but return to their abode of wrong where they truly belong.
Pondering Point:
“The souls of the evil doers will condemn them at their final moment for all they have done.”