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Song 14.3 (Yasna 49.3)

`,mvtAdin ,Adzam ,iAnvraW `,iAmha ,AcTa

`,Sxurd ,Eh?eyaSAr ,iASEakT `,iAydiUs ,mvCa

`,OhManam ,iAyzi ,Vras `,SuVhMaW ,At

.,Eyurm* ,gNVmxah ,Otawgvrd `,gNVpsIW ,VratNa

Transliterated Text:

atcâ ahmâi varenâi mazdâ nidâtem
ashem sûidyâi tkaêshâi râshayenghê druxsh
tâ vanghêush sarê izyâi mananghô
añtarê vîspêñg dregvatô haxmêñg añtarê mruyê.

Translated Text:

However, Wise One, this has been put as a choice
that righteousness is for the promotion of the doctrine,
and wrong is for harming it.
Therefore, I long for union with good mind,
and disavow all associations with the wrongful.


Zarathushtra’s meditation informs him that Righteousness, the Law of precision, promotes the Divine Doctrine, and wrong actions harm it. Therefore, he decides to continue with utilizing the good mind and avoiding those who persist in their wrong beliefs, thus refusing to change. Instead of wasting his precious time with willfully deaf, Zarathushtra turns to those who have open ears to listen and free will to choose

Pondering Point:

“It has been set down for us to choose between promoting the righteous laws of existence or working against them.”

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