Song 14.4 (Yasna 49.4)
`,OtNayuSfa ,UsayuSf `,SIbuzih ,SiAX
`,A!rawZud ,sLW ,SiA!raW,uh* `,TiOn ,mLSea%
.,AnEad ,Otawgvrd ,A% `,nLd ,gNVwEad ,iOt
Transliterated Text:
ýôi dush-xrathwâ aêshemem vareden râmemcâ
hvâish hizubîsh fshuyasû afshuyañtô
ýaêshãm nôit hvarshtâish vãs duzhvarshtâ
tôi daêvêñg dãn ýâ dregvatô daênâ.
Translated Text:
Those who, through their evil intellect,
promote anger and cruelty with their tongues
are but drones among productive people.
Their evil deeds have not been defeated by good deeds.
It is they who created false gods,
which forms the religion of the wrongful.
Zarathushtra is describing the people he disavows, those who use their intellect for evil ends, with their teaching promoting violence and war. These false teachers, the priests, are the creators of false deities; they have been successful in promoting their cult and duping and exploiting the laity. They are not productive themselves for they feed on what productive people produce.
Pondering Point:
“The deceitful are driven by the necessities of their evil actions and, as a consequence, create harmful belief systems.”