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Song 14.6 (Yasna 49.6)

`,EtiUrm ,AcmvCa ,Adzam `,AySEarf ,lW ,Orf

`,AhManam,A ,AyhakAmSx `,SuVtarx ,VW ,A%

`,AmEayawArs ,I,Aqa% `,iAydicIW ,Svrv

.,Aruha ,OtawAmSx ,A% `,mLnEad ,mLt

Transliterated Text:

frô vå fraêshyâ mazdâ ashemcâ mrûitê
ýâ vê xratêush xshmâkahyâ â-mananghâ
eresh vîcidyâi ýathâ-î srâvayaêmâ
tãm daênãm ýâ xshmâvatô ahurâ.

Translated Text:

I urge You, Wise One, and Righteousness to tell us
what You have in Your wisdom of mind,
so that we rightly choose how to proclaim, Lord,
the religion which belongs to a Godlike person.


Zarathushtra is again seeking guidance from Mazda and the Law of Precision (Asha). He wants to use his divine good mind to precisely plan how to proclaim his Divine Message, the Good Religion, which causes one to be godlike.

Pondering Point:

“By listening to Wisdom and Righteousness, one can become like God by actualizing their nature within themself.”

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