Song 2.2 (Yasna 36.2)
.,lymaj,Itiap ,mLhMl% ,iAtSizam ,ln,AhMamvn ,AyhatSimLn ,AyzAwru ,AyhatSizAwru
Transliterated Text:
urvâzishtô hvô nâo ýâtâyâ
paitî-jamyâo âtare mazdâo ahurahyâ
urvâzishtahyâ urvâzyâ nãmishtahyâ nemanghâ nâo
mazishtâi ýâonghãm paitî-jamyâo.
Translated Text:
The most perfect bliss, through progress,
Meet us, Fire of the Wise (Lord).
The blissful of the most perfect bliss,
Through the respects of the most respecting,
Meet us at the greatest of events.
The occasion is the greatest event of life, the Ceremony of the Choice of Religion—the Initiation. Standing before the altar, the praying initiates see Fire as the symbol of perfect happiness, the divine blessing. They venerate it and pray for the bliss on that occasion.
Note: According to Prof. Poor Daavood’s Book on Yasna, the “greatest of events” is referred to as the day of the last judgement where the Good Mind and the sacred fire are present. There is no mention of choosing one’s religion. – Hooshang Jozavi
Pondering Point:
“By attuning with the energy connecting all existence, one can experience ultimate bliss.”