Song 3.10 (Yasna 30.10)
`,Ayharqayaps ,OdNvks ,Itiawab* `,OjUrd ,Awa ,Iz,Ada
`,OhManam ,SuVhMaW ,SiOtiSuh,A `,EtNajOa% ,A!isa ,Ta
.,Ihawars ,uAhMaW ,ItNvzaz ,iO% `,AcAyFaCa ,l’adzam
`,OhManam ,SuVhMaW ,SiOtiSuh,A `,EtNajOa% ,A!isa ,Ta
.,Ihawars ,uAhMaW ,ItNvzaz ,iO% `,AcAyFaCa ,l’adzam
Transliterated Text:
adâ zî avâ drûjô
avô bavaitî skeñdô spayathrahyâ
at asishtâ ýaojañtê
â hushitôish vanghêush mananghô
mazdå ashaxyâcâ
ýôi zazeñtî vanghâu sravahî.
Translated Text:
Then, indeed, the power of wrong
shall be shattered.
Then those who strive with good name
shall immediately be united
in the good abode of good mind
and righteousness of the Wise One.
Continuous renovation of life means removal of the wrongful people in power. It means instant unity and close cooperation in a divine state where the good mind and righteousness work together.
Pondering Point:
“To live rightly with Wisdom in the domain of the good mind and wisdom, refresh life by undoing wrongs and removing the wrongdoers.”