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Song 3.9 (Yasna 30.9)

`,mUha ,nuAnvrvk ,mVSarvf ,mI ,iO% `,AmAyF ,mEaW ,iOt ,AcTa

`,AcACa ,Anrab* ,ArtsiOm,A* `,OhMlruha ,Acsl’adzam

.,AqEam ,TahMa ,Sitsic ,Arqa% `,Tawab ,lnam ,Arqah ,Tayh

Transliterated Text:

atcâ tôi vaêm xyâmâ
ýôi îm ferashêm kerenâun ahûm,
mazdåscâ ahurånghô
â môyastrâ baranâ ashâcâ
hyat hathrâ manå bavat
ýathrâ cistish anghat maêthâ.

Translated Text:

And may we be among those
who make this life fresh!
You, lords of wisdom,
who bring happiness through righteousness,
come, let us be single-minded
in the realm of inner intellect.


A solemn prayer, an earnest desire to be among those who renovate life here in this world on a rightful basis. It means continuous progress, ever-fresh happiness. Happiness comes when one is not only a master wise but also agrees in full with other masters of wisdom.

Pondering Point:

“True and everlasting fulfillment and happiness are achieved by continuous renovation, which is made possible through cooperation with all the wise masters of the world.”

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