Song 4.4 (Yasna 38.4)
,SiAt ,IhamAyFamvn ,SiAt ,IhamnLyrf ,SiAt ,Ediamaza% ,lW ,SiAt ,TAdad
Transliterated Text:
ûitî ýâ vê vanguhîsh ahurô mazdâo
nâmã dadât vanghudâo hyat vâo dadât
tâish vâo ýazamaidê tâish fryãnmahî
tâish nemaxyâmahî tâish ishûidyâmahî.
Translated Text:
Thus, O good ones, are your names, which
The Wise Lord gave; which the Good-giver gave you.
Through them, we venerate, we please;
Through them, we bow; through them, we implore you.
The names of various shapes of water are divine names. The composer highly venerates them and wishes to have their favor.
Note: While the first three stanzas of Song 4 are in eight-syllable line meter, this stanza is in eleven-syllable meter. The difference in the meter and the change in the context show that this stanza and the following one are later addition. They are not in tune with the Gathic care for Nature. The names of different shapes of water are taken by the composer as if they were named by God.
Pondering Point:
“The best veneration of nature is in understand its true value and protecting it.”