Song 5.1 (Yasna 39.1)
.,nvhMa ,A ,OybiEa ,AcEa% ,A ,iOt ,AcsaybiEa% ,ItNvSijIj ,ln ,iO% ,AcmLnakusap
Transliterated Text:
ithâ ât ýazamaidê
gêush urvânemchâ tashânemchâ
ahmâkêñg âat urunô pasukanãmchâ
ýôi nâo jîjisheñtî
ýaêibyaschâ tôi â ýaêchâ aêibyô â anghen.
Translated Text:
Thus we venerate
the soul and fashioner of the living world;
also our souls and those of the domestic animals
which make us live;
and of those who are Yours;
and those who belong to these.
The prayerful venerate the Creator and the soul of the living world of ours. They express their regards for their own souls and those of their domestic animals, the animals which provide them with livelihood; they also venerate all that belongs to the Creator and creation.
Pondering Point:
“Appreciating all the creation helps us understand Ahura Mazda and have confidence in ourselves.”