Song 7.1 (Yasna 34.1)
`,OtAtawruah ,AcmvrqaSx ,Adzam `,AhMld ,OybiEat ,AcmvCa
.,Etsad ,SiAmvturuop ,AmhV `,Aruha ,iOt ,mLSEa
Transliterated Text:
ýâ shyaothanâ ýâ vacanghâ
ýâ ýasnâ ameretatâtem
ashemcâ taêibyô dånghâ
mazdâ xshathremcâ haurvatâtô
aêshãm tôi ahurâ
êhmâ pourutemâish dastê.
Translated Text:
The deed, the word, and the veneration
by which I give immortality, righteousness,
and the motive for wholeness to the people,
are very much offered by us,
Wise Lord, to You.
The message of Zarathushtra leads to mental veneration, words and deeds that give righteousness, power to move towards wholeness, and immortality, and these very things are what he and his companions offer to Mazda Ahura.
Pondering Point:
“No sacrifice, intoxicating substance, or other material offering is needed to please Lord Wisdom. Only our good deeds should be offered to promote a good life.”