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Song 7.1 (Yasna 41.1)

,Acihamvdad ,iAtSihaW ,AciACa ,iAdzam ,iAruha ,gNVmhaW ,Orag ,OtUts

.,IhamayadEawA ,AcA ,AcihamSIc

Transliterated Text:

stûtô garô vahmêñg ahurâi mazdâi
ashâichâ vahishtâi dademahichâ
cîshmahichâ âchâ âvaêdyâmahî.

Translated Text:

Praises, songs and loves to the Wise Lord
and the Best Righteousness, we offer,
we announce and we address.


The praying people sing their praises of love to Ahura Mazda and the Divine Law of Righteousness (Asha).

Pondering Point:

“Pray with love to Ahura Mazda and live in accord with Asha.”

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